IRONIC US Says Russian Bombing of Syria will ‘Backfire’

How do they find these people? If it isn’t the warmonger calling the psychopath bloodthirsty eh?! Unless I’m mistaken, the US was about to bomb Syria in 2013 for some reason or another but Congress actually said no to something insane for once.

Now all the previous warmongers who were egging Obama on to not only bomb Syria in 2013, but to also ship weapons to ISIS, will all say that the US is right, that Russia bombing Syria will “destabilize the region” and Putin must not be allowed to show such “aggression”.

Warmongers including my favorite guy Shmuly Yanklowitz, who the last time I talked to the warmonger it was about this very issue in 2013. Now I bet he’ll be mouthing off about how Russia should not bomb Syria because war is evil and bombing countries is not the “progressive” thing to do and it’s not a “Jewish value” or “social justice” or something maddeningly cliche like that.

Well all you progressive warmongers should know one thing. I was anti bombing Syria before you all were, and all it took to change your minds was some idiot in the state department who decided to mouth off about how people who aren’t Barack Obama shouldn’t be bombing countries just because they feel like it.

Well, neither should Barack Obama.

Four Days to Hoshana Rabba While US and Russia Bicker Over Who Gets to Bomb Syria

Calm down you two murder clowns. The headline on Fox News (which I almost never check unless I know something big is happening and I want to see how the MSM is screening it) is this: RUSSIAN ROULETTE: US Rejects Russia’s Demand to Stop Airstrikes as Putin Launches His Own.

There’s enough bombs and airspace for everyone to bomb Syria as much as you want. Calm down people. If it makes you feel any better, I’d much rather you come to terms with how you are both going to bomb Syria rather than fight each other over it, because that would be much worse. So I hope Putin and Obama come to an agreement about who can bomb what parts and when, before the Cold War starts up again and becomes hot.

Speaking of that, there are four more days until Hoshana Rabba, hands down the weirdest holiday in Judaism. The friend who pointed out the whole blood moon phenomenon to me also insists that Putin is Gog, citing that Gog is referred to as נשיא ראש משך ותובל. Why Nasi (president) and Rosh (head)? Putin is both president and prime minister of Russia, I believe, and the capital of Russia is Moscow – משך. Don’t know what Tuval is.

Look, I still don’t put much more than curiosity into any of these readings. If it’s true, great. If it’s not, reality is what it is. But the fact that Russia and America are now fighting over Syria is certainly bringing to mind Gog uMagog imagery in my head. This Shabbat we will be reading that Haftarah from Yechezkel. So let’s see what happens.

Steven Spielberg is a Holocaust Denier (Sarcasm)

That’s it. Nobody is commenting any more on Hitler or Holocaust denial, that’s it. Comments are closed on all World War II posts.

Here is my final word on the matter. Barking idiots are asking me to “refute” Holocaust Denial arguments. So here is my “refutation”.

Smith comments: “I’m not sure what you mean by Holocaust denial? Is it Holocaust denial to question why Eisenhower never mentioned gas chambers?”

My response: (At the end, I “prove” that Steven Spielberg is a holocaust denier.)

Did you know, Smith, that Eisenhower is also behind the round Earth conspiracy?

And he was also a Nazi Agent. And worked with Al Gore on the internet, which is the biggest factor in the Round Earth Conspiracy. It’s all here, at the link. Eisenhower created NASA, whose mission is to fool the sheeple into believing that the Earth is an “oblate spheroid”.

All the evidence for a “Round Earth” is a conspiracy, lies made up by the establishment.

And all the thousands of eye witnesses of gas chambers still alive today, and those who had to shovel the bodies out and burn them, and their memoirs and interviews and speaking tours, they all teamed up after the Americans liberated the “death camps” (which were really amusement parks, or at worst, internment camps a la FDR) to convince us of some fanciful story, just like Jews conspire all the time to fool the world into bombing Iraq. They did it because it was really the AMERICANS that killed the Jews in Europe through collateral damage, and the US government paid off all the survivors to make up stories about gas chambers, and then forced publishing houses to publish books about them all written by government agents, and then Hollywood Jews furthered the conspiracy, with Schindler’s List the ultimate cherry on top.

Hey…wait a minute! Schindler’s List!

Don’t you think it’s WEIRD that in that scene in Schindler’s List where they’re all in the “shower”, the water is actually turned on instead of the Zyklon B? Perfect evidence that STEVEN SPIELBERG AGREES WITH YOU! Otherwise he would have shown gas chambers instead of a shower!

Call him up! Ask why he didn’t put gas chambers in Schindler’s List!

Forget about “Eisenhower didn’t mention gas chambers”. NEITHER DID STEVEN SPIELBERG! That proves it!

Look Smith. I’m one of only a handful of Jews on the planet who doesn’t care what the hell you believe about the holocaust. You can believe Hitler threw cocktail parties for Jews throughout Europe until the Americans and British killed everyone and blamed it on the Germans. I don’t care. So why do you insist on trying to piss ME, of all people, off? I’m of the very few that tolerates you and advocates that you be able to bark whatever insanity you please.

The Holocaust is a Jewish issue. It has nothing to do with you. Therefore I don’t care what you say about it, as much as I don’t give a crap about your personal opinion on the Machlokes Rava Abayey in the Gemara Bava Basra 65A. What’s Smith’s psak on the issue בור ברשות הרבים? Does Smith hold by the Tana Kama or הלכה כבתראי?

I couldn’t care less what you think about Halacha, or the Holocaust. I just don’t want it on MY blog, just like I don’t want some Goy’s opinion on contemporary Jewish halachic issues, and I would delete that as well.

Your group of obsessive people means as much to me as the Flat Earth Society. Really. I think and am worried as much about Holocaust deniers as I am about round Earth deniers. I don’t give a crap about either of your “theories”. I suggest you stick to the things we agree on if you want to have any kind of constructive relationship, and stop pushing your dickish nonsense here.

NEW INITIATIVE: Imaginary Stock and Options Portfolio

Let’s try this out. I’ve called the Macau top, the China top, the Japan top and the VIX spike. I think the gold bear is finally over. I’ll go up against all the Keynesian hedge fund guys who know nothing about business cycles.

Here’s my model portfolio, assuming a $100,000 portfolio. This is only a game, and I am not making any recommendations. I advise you not to follow any of this, because I am covering myself for legal reasons.

$500 GLD JAN 2017 225 CALL  @ $0.13/contract

$10,000 CORR at $5.20/share w/9% dividend

$500 TLT JAN 2017 PUT @ $3.00/contract

$30,000 GG at $13.40/share w/1.1% dividend

$20,000 CVX at $78/share w/5.5% dividend

$39,000 CASH

I’ll make a page out of this thing and update monthly and with any changes.



Some Black Politician Named Ben Carson Hates Jews

Haha, I got you there. He only hates Muslims, so he’s fine.

Today, he was quoted as saying, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.  I absolutely would not agree with that.”

There’s a famous speech from John Grisham’s “A Time To Kill”. A closing argument from a lawyer defending a man who killed his daughter’s rapists. It goes like this:

I had a great summation all worked out, full of some sharp lawyering. But I’m not going to read it. I’m here to apologize. I am young and I am inexperienced. 

But you cannot hold Carl Lee Hailey responsible for my shortcomings. You see, in all this legal maneuvering something has gotten lost, and that something is the truth.

Now, it is incumbent upon us lawyers not to just talk about the truth, but to actually seek it, to find it, to live it. My teacher taught me that. Let’s take Dr. Bass, for example. Now, obviously I would have never knowingly put a convicted felon on the stand — I hope you can believe that. But what is the truth? That he is a disgraced liar? And what if I told you that the woman he was accused of raping was 17, he was 23, that she later became his wife, bore his child and is still married to the man today. Does that make his testimony more or less true?

What is it in us that seeks the truth? Is it our minds or is it our hearts?

I set out to prove a black man could receive a fair trial in the south, that we are all equal in the eyes of the law. That’s not the truth, because the eyes of the law are human eyes — yours and mine — and until we can see each other as equals, justice is never going to be evenhanded. It will remain nothing more than a reflection of our own prejudices, so until that day we have a duty under God to seek the truth, not with our eyes and not with our minds where fear and hate turn commonality into prejudice, but with our hearts — where we don’t know better.

Now I wanna tell you a story. I’m gonna ask ya’all to close your eyes while I tell you this story. I want you to listen to me. I want you to listen to yourselves.

This is a story about a little girl walking home from the grocery store one sunny afternoon. I want you to picture this little girl. Suddenly a truck races up. Two men jump out and grab her. They drag her into a nearby field and they tie her up, and they rip her clothes from her body. Now they climb on, first one then the other, raping her, shattering everything innocent and pure — vicious thrusts — in a fog of drunken breath and sweat. And when they’re done, after they killed her tiny womb, murdered any chance for her to bear children, to have life beyond her own, they decide to use her for target practice. So they start throwing full beer cans at her. They throw ’em so hard that it tears the flesh all the way to her bones — and they urinate on her.

Now comes the hanging. They have a rope; they tie a noose. Imagine the noose pulling tight around her neck and a sudden blinding jerk. She’s pulled into the air and her feet and legs go kicking and they don’t find the ground. The hanging branch isn’t strong enough. It snaps and she falls back to the earth. So they pick her up, throw her in the back of the truck, and drive out to Foggy Creek Bridge and pitch her over the edge. And she drops some 30 feet down to the creek bottom below.

Can you see her? Her raped, beaten, broken body, soaked in their urine, soaked in their semen, soaked in her blood — left to die.

Can you see her? I want you to picture that little girl.

Now imagine she’s white. 

Now Jews, a black man said, “I would not advocate that we put a Muslim in charge of this nation.  I absolutely would not agree with that.”

Now imagine the man who said that was white.

And imagine that instead of “Muslim” he said “Jew.”

Now imagine a swastika on his shoulder.

And let him shout a Zeig Heil.

Now tell me, Jews, tell me. Tell me that this man, Ben Carson, is not a disgusting evil person.

Or, alternatively, tell me it’s OK to say that Muslims can’t “be in charge”. But it’s not OK that Jews can’t “be in charge”. And tell me, if that’s so, why you think it’s so freaking odd that so many people believe in a “Zionist Conspiracy”.

The truth is, no man should be “in charge” of an entire nation just like no man should be in charge of anyone who has taken ownership of himself. My parents are not in charge of me. Neither is Netanyahu or Obama. They can threaten me, and I may obey out of convenience. But they are not in charge of me.

Intimations of Anarchic Libertarianism in the Shmoneh Esrei

I’ve already gone into how and why I don’t say את צמח דוד in my personal Shmoneh Esrei (silent prayer of 18 blessings). This is the bracha (blessing) for the Davidic monarchy, which I don’t want so I don’t pray for it. The blessing is an addition over the original, which makes the original 18 a new 19, according to the Yerushalmi Talmud.

I’ve also said that anarchy did exist in Jewish history, and it was the most peaceful period of Jewish history ever. That was the time of the Shoftim, who were popularly chosen and sanctioned by God, with no other government or taxes to speak of. There was not even a tax-funded army during that period. It was nearly perfect, as perfect as human history can be. There were a few skirmishes, but nothing compared to the constant wars of the period of the Kings, and no civil wars either.

Read the book and it is misleading, because it covers the skirmishes only. But between each story there is a single pasuk that says, וישקט הארץ שמונים שנה, or sometimes ארבעים שנה. Meaning, the land was quiet for 80 years, or sometimes just 40. Can you imagine that? 80 years of pure absolute peace? Nothing to write about, nothing to talk about, just live your life, worship God, enjoy your friends and family, celebrate the holidays, just live life? 80 years back then is 2 lifetimes. 3 generations. Imagine no wars for 3 generations, no taxes, nothing. Unbelievable.

I’m often challenged that if I love small government then why not move to the wilderness? The answer is because I love capital equipment more than small government. If I have capital equipment that can produce 10x and the government takes 5x, I’m left with 5x. If I’m in the wilderness with no capital equipment and I can only produce 1x with my hands, then I only have 1x. Therefore, I’d rather live in a big government society with more capital equipment than in an anarchy with zero.

But if someone would give me a time machine to go back to one of those 80 year periods during the Shoftim, wow would I be tempted to actually push the button and spend the rest of my life there, despite less capital. If I could take my family and they agreed, I may do it. Fantasyland yes, but a principle.

I yearn for the period of the Shoftim to return. That is what I want, that is what I long for.

Thank God it is now Aseret Yemei Teshuva (the Ten Days of Repentance) because it forces you to pay more attention to what you’re saying. There is one bracha that changes slightly during the 10 days, and that is השיבה שופטינו, or “Restore our judges.” The end changes from “Blessed is the King who loves righteousness and justice” to “Blessed is the King of Justice.” So you have to slow down when you get to it so you don’t say the normal formula.

And when you slow down, you can start to realize things.

Here’s the whole text:

השיבה שופטינו כבראשונה, ויועצינו כבתחילה, והסר ממנו יגון ואנחה, ומלוך עלינו אתה לבדך בחסד וברחמים, וצדקני במשפט. ברוך אתה יהוה, המלך המשפט.

Restore our judges as in the earliest times, and our counselors as at the beginning. Remove from us sorrow and pain, and reign over us – you God alone – with kindness and compassion, and make us just through your justice. Blessed are you God, the King of Justice.

For some reason on Motzei Shabbos (the end of the Sabbath) last night, something clicked. This is a prayer for the restoration of the period of the Judges. Not the monarchy, the anarchy, the Judges. It is so clear now. The “judges” in the blessing are not some Rabbi who sits on a Beis Din (court) under David. It’s talking about the period of the Shoftim, that period when there was no king at all. No government in charge of defense, and no government in charge of justice. Both defense and justice were private industries back then.

The evidence is in the language of the Bracha – the “earliest times” – before a king. That only God should reign over us, alone, meaning no king. Counselors, voluntary, not kings. This is now my favorite bracha. I will say it with extra kavana now. It only took me 20 years or so of saying it to figure this out.

To all the monarchists out there, yes, David is mentioned too in the Shmoneh Esrei. There are both minarchic and anarchic sources in Judaism. We pick what we prefer. If what we need is a privately funded Davidic figurehead to rally the people, which I see as very possible, then fine. He can have a donated throne. I’ll donate it. But no taxes.

That’s as far as I’ll go with a request for the return of David’s line.

Greece Heads Back to the Polls to Vote For…What?

Here we go again. The Greek people are once again going to vote, today, Sunday September 20, for the people that will take their money. The only interesting thing about this election is how many seats Golden Dawn will get. When a political party is named like a Jew for Jesus would name a synagogue (a little bit too colorfully flamboyant), you know there are a bunch of people with emotional issues at the helm.

All politicians have that, but Golden Dawn is at least honest about their hatred of everyone. They are neo Nazis, and Yanis Varoufakis has called them actual Nazis. Here is their flag. Look familiar?

Golden DawnMaybe their leader will try to burn down the Greek Parliament, or attempt a coup in a beer hall. He’s already been in prison for murder.

When countries get squeezed financially, as Weimar did in the 1920’s, and as Greece is getting squeezed now, this is what gives rise to Nazism. It is no surprise that Golden Dawn is going to do well this election. Here’s what I wrote about it at 247WallSt.

The party that causes particular concern is the Neo-Nazi Gold Dawn party, which could take home 10% of the vote this time around. Former Greek Foreign Minister Yanis Varoufakis has even eschewed the term “neo-Nazi” to call Golden Dawn bona fide Nazis straight out, and the party seems very adamant about throwing out the third bailout deal and even EU membership. Usually this can be chalked up to rhetoric, as was apparent even with the extremely anti-bailout Syriza party. But when dealing with Nazis, all bets are off.

And yet, sadly enough, Golden Dawn’s actual positions on anything may not even matter. If Golden Dawn has a strong enough showing on Sunday to actually become the kingmaker, the dizzying historical twist of Germany funding a government that includes Nazis in its coalition may be too much for Europe to bear. What will Germany do then? Demand new elections again so German taxpayers won’t have to fund Golden Dawn?

Conservative Greek MP Fotini Pipili was quoted in The Guardian: “I am afraid. For the first time we have no idea what this election will bring. What we do know, however, is that Golden Dawn is going to do well, and for the serious minded that is a very worrying thing.”

Ann Coulter, Jews, and Twitter Don’t Mix Well

Ann Coulter is one of the meanest people I can think of. When I think of mean, acerbic witches, she’s one of the first faces that comes to mind. There is nothing pleasant about her. I’m mean sometimes. But not all the time. She’s mean all the time.

I read some of her books when I was in high school. Just mean mean tone, throughout. Really annoying voice too. There’s nothing I like about her. She looks like an evil version of Helen Hunt.

Don’t think I’m upset because she said “How many #$%ing Jews are there in the US?” I couldn’t help agreeing with her tweets. The republican obsession with Israel, due the Evangelicals, is quite distasteful and dangerous. Her sudden distaste with Republicans was actually quite refreshing.

How many of us have used that language describing a different group of people? Almost all of us. And she wasn’t even insulting Jews in the sentence. But HOLOCAUST HOLOCAUST, it’s immediately goes into “antisemitism” and reductio ad Nazism and Ann Coulter is the next Eva Braun.

She’s a bad person, but not because of this tweet. And she certainly doesn’t hate Jews any more than she hates pretty much everybody. She’s not anti-semitic. She’s misanthropic.

How many #$%ing Jews spend their time bomb sniffing for anything less than sensitive written about them?

And in terms of sensitivity, Ann Coulter, on a scale of 1 to 10, gets a zero. She’s a republican cheerleader. Nothing more. Wave the pompoms.

Give me an R!


Why Holocaust Denial Exists, and Why Most Jews are Guilty of it, Too

A few days ago I wrote a post questioning if war on Hitler caused the Holocaust. A holocaust denier, someone by the name of Bradley Smith, commented. I allowed him one comment. He has subsequently commented and I have deleted it. I almost never do that. But I will not allow Holocaust denial on my property, even though I believe anyone who wants to deny the Holocaust may do so on his own property.

That said, I am about to accuse most Jews of holocaust denial, most human beings actually, so buckle up. Be aware that the holocaust denial of Jews is not capitalized, which is actually part of the problem.

First, why does Holocaust denial, Capital H, exist? From what I encountered of Smith, he seems to be a stupid person, objectively. I would guess, with no proof, that most Holocaust deniers have low IQ’s and are generally dumb. The argument for denying a documented historical fact as documented as the Holocaust is, is like denying any mass-witnessed event, like World War 1, or the Civil War, or September 11, or the existence of Thomas Jefferson.

Smith asked me if I “know anyone who died at Majdanek”. The question is nonsense. Do I know anyone who died in September 11? No. So maybe it’s a conspiracy and the videos are doctored and everyone is lying to me and the Twin Towers are still standing, cloaked by a Klingon Bird of Prey hovering over New York City. It’s possible. Maybe Manhattan doesn’t exist either. Do I know anyone who lives in Manhattan? Sure. But maybe they’re fake figments of my imagination. You get the point.

Any argument by Holocaust deniers could easily be repeated to deny any event in human history and place you in a Cartesian solipsism where you can confirm nothing but your own existence. On that rubric, nothing ever happened or ever does happen. So why do these people insist on harping on such a demonstrably stupid non-theory?

Let me ask you this question, especially if you’re Jewish. How many Jews did Soviet Communism kill? Lenin, Stalin, Malenkov, Krushchev? How many Christians?

There is no historically authoritative number of how many Jews. And that is the disgusting problem. But the total number of people is something between 12 and 20 million. The uncertainty regarding how many people Stalin slaughtered is wider than the actual number of Jews that Hitler slaughtered. It is between 2 and 3 times what Hitler did. In the same way that Hitler did, with death camps and systematic destruction, man woman and child with no mercy. If we add Mao Zedung in it, who admittedly didn’t kill many Jews simply because he didn’t have access to them, then the total is up to 55 million.

55 million! Communism killed nearly 10 times as many people as Nazis killed Jews!

And Mao has his great apologists too! In the Obama Administration! Chinese holocaust deniers all!

Do we want to add Pol Pot, the leader of communism in Cambodia, who murdered one third of the entire population of Cambodia through forced labor and starvation? One third, sounds familiar. Like the one third of all Jews murdered by Hitler.

The scary thing is that the deaths caused by Communism were just “innocent forced restructuring of the economy”. Stalin and Mao and Pol Pot all deciding that they wanted to change the division of labor on a dime. Because they know what’s best. That’s how you murder millions most efficiently. Auschwitz had nothing on Mao. The more you put the economy under State control, the more people will necessarily die. Because politicians do not know how to organize an economy and get resources where they need to be. Only the price system can possibly do that. If the division of labor breaks down, millions die. And they did.

The real reason that nobody really knows how many Jews Lenin and Stalin killed and why the mindblowing numbers Mao killed have only come out recently in 2010 is that the United States allied with Stalin to defeat Hitler, and with China to defeat Japan. The US government was directly complicit in the Stalinist genocides, handing over hundreds of thousands of people directly to to Stalin after Yalta and Potsdam.

Some Jews see Stalin as a liberator of Hitler’s death camps and are reluctant to criticize. If it were the other way around, if the US allied with Hitler to defeat the Soviets, I doubt the figure 6 million would be known or repeated with any authoritativeness.

There are other reasons, too. The USSR voted for partition in 1948, thinking that Israel would be a communist satellite because leading Zionists were socialists. So some Jews forgive Stalin for being worse than Hitler.

Marx and Trotsky (Born Lev Davidovich Bronstein) were Jews (Marx had a Jewish father), evil Jews, and many prominent Jews still have communist leanings.

Soviet holocaust denial has shades. There are people who just don’t know anything about it. There are others who have heard figures, but ignore them. Worse, there are those people, Jews included, who believe in total government control of the economy, self avowed students of Trotsky, who himself believed in forced slave labor to get the proletariat obedient to the communist cause. (This is the very thing that caused 45 million deaths in China under Mao.) An apologist for slave labor based on skin color is called a disgusting racist, and for good reason. What about an apologist for slave labor based on class strata? That’s excusable, or even enlightened.

Then there are the bona fide Soviet holocaust deniers, the Left academics and Jews like Paul Samuelson and others who downplay Stalin’s evil just like Holocaust denier Mahmoud Abbas downplays Hitler’s, and still do praise the Soviet Union for its great human experiment, regretting that it failed. Imagine if I praised Hitler for his “human experiment” regretting that it failed. My God.

Stalinist and Maoist holocaust denial goes something like this: “They were only trying to help by restructuring the economy. We can’t blame them for what happened, and it’s exaggerated anyway.”

Well, Hitler was only trying to help by purifying the human race and getting rid of the Jews. He had world’s best interests at heart. Sure.

Hitlerian Holocaust deniers are generally on the “Right”. They deny it because Hitler was on the “Right” and don’t want to own up to what happened. Stalin was on the “Left” and Stalinist holocaust deniers are generally on the “Left”. So the Left denies what Stalin did just as the Right denies what Hitler did. But only Hitlerian Holocaust deniers are considered outcasts. Stalinist holocaust deniers are considered academic thinkers, perhaps a little “loopy”, but never demonized like Hitlerian Holocaust deniers. And Maoist holocaust deniers are proudly parading nude in the White House. The fact that Left and Right are the same as evidenced by the very names of Nazism (National Socialism) and the United Soviet Socialist Republics, means nothing to deniers on either side. Left and Right both believe in government control over human beings. The Right believes in control to achieve a master race utopia. The Left, in control to achieve a master class utopia. What is the difference?

If you’re a Jew I want you to say these next five sentences out loud, because they are true, and hard to say if you were brought up on Holocaust-centered Judaism.

  1. Stalin was worse than Hitler, and killed at least twice as many people.
  2. Mao was MUCH worse than Hitler, and killed nearly eight times as many people.
  3. The communist holocaust was worse than Hitler’s Holocaust.
  4. Communism is worse than Nazism.
  5. Hiter’s Holocaust was not unique.

I never go out of shul during Yizkor. I stay in, even though both my parents are alive, thank God. I say Yizkor for my grandparents and give tzedaka in their memory. But when everyone comes back in and says אל מלא רחמים for our six million that were murdered by Nazis, I say another one for the 55 million murdered by Communists.

I say it because I am a Jew and I am morally responsible for the world. I say it because nobody else will. I will give Tzedaka in their memory and pray for an elevation of their souls, because no other Jew will. I am alone, but I will remember. I say it because I am sorry to be related to anyone who excuses Stalin or praises the Soviet Union or Mao Zedung. It sickens me even more than the idiots like Bradley Smith. Because Bradley Smith might be stupid, but Paul Samuelson and other Jewish apologists for the Soviet Union and Mao are not stupid. They are evil.

Holocaust deniers with a capital H exist for the same reason that Stalinist holocaust deniers exist. Because they are trying to defend an evil ideology. But for Hitlerian Holocaust deniers, there is more reason to deny it. Because the world, influenced by powerful Jews with a political agenda, is absolutely obsessed with Holocaust commemoration. People are beaten over the head with it to oblivion, especially Germans, implying that if they forget it for a second, they will turn into exterminationists again on a dime.

The degree to which the West is obsessed with the Holocaust, totally forgetting about the Soviet or Maoist holocausts, sickens people like Bradley Smith and David Irving, and whoever else is in their camp. So instead of berating the world for its Nazi Holocaust obsession to the exclusion of other genocides, they go the incredibly stupid route and try to deny that the event ever happened. It’s a sort of psychosis induced by the global psychosis over Nazis. If you hit someone over the head enough times, the stupid ones can go crazy and say stupid things.

I urge everyone, before they go screaming at Holocaust deniers, to look in the mirror and do some teshuva (repentance). And maybe, this Yizkor on Yom Kippur, say an אל מלא רחמים for the victims, at least the Jewish victims, of Lenin and Stalin. I will be saying one for all 55 million victims of Communism, as well as the 6 million plus victims of Nazism, Jews and gentiles.

Hitler’s Holocaust should be remembered and commemorated by Jews. It is a Jewish issue, and that’s it. If non Jews want to also commemorate it, good, fine. But there should be absolutely no government involvement in Holocaust education. And if there is, all holocausts should be covered equally in proportion to the amount of people murdered in each, and it should be explained that government is the cause of all holocausts, every single one of them.

Let me add one final, important thought. People, especially Jews, see Holocaust commemoration as of paramount importance because if you forget history, it will repeat itself. We remember the Holocaust with the mantra “never again”. I will say that the danger of another Communist-type holocaust caused by overzealous government regulators trying to “innocently restructure the economy” because they are so wise and are trying to create a socialist utopia is much more likely than a repeat of a Nazi-type Holocaust where a bunch of racists try to create a master race by killing everyone else.

When a politician says he wants to restructure the economy, we should all shiver. Because another Holocaust could be at the world’s doorstep if he gets his way.

Here are some closing lines from Great Wars and Great Leaders, a book I just finished today, as Rosh HaShana 5776 closed out.

The most notorious of the camps was Kolyma, in eastern Siberia —in actuality, a system of camps four times the size of France. There the death rate may have been as high as 50 per cent per year and the number of deaths was probably on the order of 3,000,000. It goes on and on. In 1940 there was Katyn and the murder of the Polish officers; in 1952, the leaders of Yiddish culture in the Soviet Union were liquidated en masse—both drops in the bucket for Stalin. During the Purges there were probably about 7,000,000 arrests, and one out of every ten arrested was executed.

A decade ago, Ernst Nolte, then of the Free University of Berlin, ignited the Historikerstreit, or dispute of historians, and became the target of a campaign of defamation led by the philosopher Jürgen Habermas, by asking: “Didn’t the ‘Gulag Archipelago’ come before Auschwitz? Wasn’t the ‘class murder’ of the Bolsheviks the logical and factual presupposition of the ‘race murder’ of the National Socialists?” These are still good questions. In fact, Stalinist—and Maoist—offenses, while acknowledged, are generally downplayed and have achieved nothing remotely approaching the publicity of the Nazi massacre of the Jews. In the United States, it is possible for a person who keeps abreast of the news media to encounter references to the Holocaust virtually every day of his life. Yet who has heard of Kolyma, where more people were done to death than the present official count for Auschwitz? The figures for the victims of Maoist rule that are starting to come out of China suggest a total in the range of tens of millions. Do these facts even make a dent in public consciousness?

Pointing to Communist crimes is not meant to “trivialize” the destruction of European Jewry, nor can it do so. The massacre of the Jews was one of the worst things that ever happened. But even supposing that it was the worst thing that ever happened, couldn’t some arrangement be worked out whereby Communist mass-murders are mentioned once for every ten times (or hundred times?) the Holocaust is brought up? Perhaps also, if we must have publicly- financed museums commemorating the foreign victims of foreign regimes, some memorial to the victims of Communism might be considered, not on the Mall itself, of course, but maybe in a low rent area of Washington?