Why building Jewish homes in the Holy Land is an obligation

Israel does not exist by the grace of the United Nations; Israel exists by the Grace of God on the basis of an everlasting covenant. Who better to be the judge of the entitlement to the Promised land?

“He is the Lord our God;

His judgments are in all the earth.

He remembers His covenant forever,

the word He commanded, for a thousand generations,

the covenant He made with Abraham,

the oath He swore to Isaac.

He confirmed it to Jacob as a decree,

to Israel as an everlasting covenant:

“To you I will give the land of Canaan

As the portion you will inherit” (Psalm 105:7-11).


Our Mission

Our ultimate dream is not limited to simply building in the Jewish homeland by raising money to give to families in the West Bank. We intend to enrich the fabric of Jewish society by financing homes in Judea and Samaria- instead of taking a mortgage with a bank the couple will borrow the sum from Settlers of Samaria and pay the money forward to other charitable organizations in Israel. Every dollar received is, essentially, doubled by Settlers Of Samaria. We will not end our mission by simply building the houses, we are laying the foundations of a real Jewish state based on lending without interest.

“You shall not charge interest on loans to your brother”- Deuteronomy 23:19

We are three young working couples who are changing the way real estate is purchased in Israel by eliminating mortgages. We believe Israel, through the Jewish People – the oldest Nation on the face of the Earth – must lead the world in fixing this economic trap and setting an example in the Jewish State. How?
Settlers of Samaria is the only charity where your donation towards an interest free mortgage loan is paid forward by the recipient to other Jewish charities in Israel. When you give to us, you’re not only giving an interest free mortgage to a young couple. You are supporting OTHER organizations that help build a real Jewish State at the same time.

The basic concept is this: We intend to raise enough funds to buy houses in Israel for financially solvent young couples who then pay the principle which YOU donated, forward, through us, to other Israeli charities over time. What this creates is the following:

1) Mortgage payments through Settlers of Samaria stay constant every month until the entire loan is paid off, and are typically HALF the amount of a mortgage through an Israeli bank for the same house.
2) Young couples actually begin to be able to afford a home,
3) Instead of banks pocketing interest payments, everything goes to charity.

And most of all, YOU help us create a culture of an interest free Jewish real estate market, exactly how a Jewish State can and should function according to God’s plan for his people.

Every second people donate money to charities all around the world to people who use it, and then it’s gone. Settlers of Samaria is changing the way charity, tzedaka, is given. Filter charity money through the real estate market first. Then pay it forward.

Want to participate? Scroll up, look at the sidebar and click the donate button. Then just tell us which charity you want your donation to ultimately go to.

Welcome to the Settlers of Samaria!

Settlers of Samaria is a charitable organization dedicated to replanting Jewish roots in the ancestoral Jewish homeland by assisting families to build their future in Judea and Samaria.
Every Jewish house built is further cementing the Jewish people in this land which God promised us. God gave this land to the Jewish people and we are determined to build on Jewish soil and bring the land back to the nation.
The settlement of the West Bank is a fulfillment of biblical promises and Israel has a divine right to the land. We are asking you to join us on our mission by sponsoring a house, building in the homeland, fulfilling this wonderful promise and returning the Land of Israel to its rightful owners.
“I will bless you, and make your name great, so that
you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless
you, and him who curses you I will curse; and by
you all the families of the earth shall bless
themselves” (Genesis 12:2-3)
“…. On the same day the Lord made a covenant with
Abram, saying: ‘To your descendants I have given
this land…”‘ (Genesis 15:18)

Israel, the West, and Islam

Israel, Islam, and the West - Spiritual vs Physical Threats

Once piece of news: Obama says something about the 67 borders, and everyone freaks out as if something new just happened. Why is everyone freaking out? Why is this a surprise?

We’re not surprised. We’re afraid.

We’re starting to feel the isolation and the Zionist dream of the world’s support for Israel is fading. But a new dream is taking form. It’s the Jewish dream.

After seeing the Nir Barkat interview with Neil Cavuto, I became a little depressed. How is Israel going to get herself to recognize her Jewish identity, that she’s here for a purpose, and that purpose is not to be just another transplanted Western country? That her purpose is in fact to lead the West as its founder and inspiration?

How can the Jewish People stand up and lead the world if they continually feel that they need the world’s political support to survive?

What we have here is a mentality known as Dor HaMidbar, or in English, slave mentality. We believe we are the slaves of the West. The Arabs we don’t really care about because we are not trying to emulate them. But the West we feel we are helpless without. We are imprisoned with living day to day trying to convince the West that we are just like them, and it works less and less every day. And it’s starting to scare us. And our leaders don’t know what to do. And they yell at one another in the Knesset blaming each other for losing the world’s support.

The Jewish people have generally always had two enemies. Those that are a real threat to our spirit, and those who are a threat to our bodies. The Persians, for example, were a threat to our spirit. We tried to assimilate, and then a threat to our bodies materialized in Haman, and we got our act together with the Jewish leadership of Mordecai and Esther and we were saved. People like the Philistines, on the other hand, were only threats to our bodies. They were never more than pests. It’s the same with the Philistines of today, the Palestinians. They are no spiritual threat. We don’t identify with them, we don’t want to be like them, we don’t like their society and we have nothing in common with them. They just kill us every so often and drive us up the wall.

Egypt, on the other hand, was a threat to both body and spirit. They were killing our babies just as the Palestinians do, but when we were in Egypt, the Rabbis say we were on the “49th level of impurity”. I don’t know exactly what that means, but it’s something like we were very hopeless, disconnected, disparaged, and we couldn’t even pray anymore. We were spiritually in danger, just as we are now, just as we see no spiritual way out of this mess, no way that we’ll all suddenly understand what we’re doing here.

Right now our enemies are clearly lined up. We have the Muslim world, which is no spiritual threat at all, but they sure do threaten our bodies. Then there is the Western world, which doesn’t want to actively kill us, nor do they directly threaten the Jewish people. But the West is the real spiritual threat to the Jews, not the Muslims.

This is not the West’s fault. They’re not trying to be enemies. But they are a spiritual threat because we think we’re supposed to be them. We are enslaved to them. We feel we need them. When we lose their support we become scared. The Muslim World smells the fear and they pounce.

So how is our spiritual enslavement to the West going to end? The answer can’t be God’s abandonment. He tried that in the Holocaust and it just backfired. We won’t listen. It won’t be effective. It will have to be just how we got out of Egypt. By God’s hand alone. God struck our spiritual threat, the Egyptians, until they let us go. When we got out, we wanted to go back because we couldn’t see life without them. That’s how it will be this time.

Our spiritual threat, the West, will lose its power. When it does, we will want to go back to them. We will moan about how life was so much better when America was in charge of the world. But we’ll be alone in the desert with God guiding the way.

At some point we’ll hit a body of water and get totally stuck. Then someone will jump in. Then the sea will split.

We’ll get out of it when we are totally cornered, with the Muslim world coming at us at full speed, while the Western World is too busy restructuring itself to turn our way.

As a nation, we are in spiritual trouble, but we are not short of many amazing individuals who are ready to jump into the sea before it splits. When there is literally nowhere to go and no one to save us, we’ll figure out why we’re here and what we have to do.

On that day no one will give a crap about what Obama says about anything at all.

Nir Barkat Doesn’t Get It

Nir Barkat interviewed on Fox News, misses the point and makes things worse.

Nir Barkat, Mayor of Jerusalem, just…doesn’t…get it. Nor does any Israeli leader currently in power.

Watch this interview. Notice how Barkat cannot explain why Arabs would want to rush Israel’s borders. Notice how Neil Cavuto seems to be pushing him to say something more, yet he can’t. Notice how Barkat keeps saying how we have to “manage the conflict” and how we are “peace seeking”. He slams the same points that every Israeli leader has been slamming since 1948. “We want to be left alone please. But we do have a nice tourism industry. Come stop by a hotel and have a falafel. After all, that’s why we’ve survived for 3,000 years. For the tourism. And the falafel.”

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com

There is no time to manage the conflict, Nir. The world is at a tipping point and we’re on the low end.

Nir – here’s what you should have said if you were a true Jewish leader instead of one who wants to pretend he’s just like Neil Cavuto and that Neil should check out the falafel.

Cavuto: Why are they rushing the border?

Barkat: Neil, they’re rushing the border because they want to destroy us. (That much Barkat understands. What he doesn’t understand is this:) They want to destroy us because they are Muslim. Jewish existence in Israel confirms the Bible and threatens the Quran, which puts their entire religion in question. If they can destroy Israel, they save Islam, and so they’re trying really hard to save their religion. You can’t blame them really.

They are encouraged when Israel is willing to give away land that was promised to the Jews, to people who it does not belong to. This shows the world that Israel, and by extension the Jewish People, don’t feel that they are justified in living in the land that God gave them. If they’ll give up the land of their ancestors, they’ll definitely give up the land of their parents 63 years ago. This is what gives them the strength to think that the “Zionist Entity” as they call it, is only temporary. And they rush Israel’s borders.

Cavuto: A lot of folks are gunning for you Nir, what do you think you should do about it?

Barkat: This isn’t the first time a lot of folks have been gunning for the Jewish People, Neil. We’ve survived it all. But nobody who has ever attempted to destroy us has ever survived that attempt. So if they want to try, I say bring it on. God will protect His people as He always has, and the bad people in the end will be destroyed.

Cavuto: Doesn’t it bother you that the world thinks you’re the bad guys?

Barkat: First of all, no. The Jewish People don’t rely on the world. We rely on our God. Second, they think we’re the bad guys because we keep saying we occupy land that isn’t ours. If our Prime Minister said that God gave us all of Israel, then they wouldn’t think we’re bad. They’d think we’re Jews, and they’d be scared.

Cavuto: Don’t you think the world is upside down, investigating you for what you say is self defense, investigating the US for killing Osama bin Laden…

Barkat: They’re investigating the USA for killing Osama bin Laden because the USA no longer sees itself as the moral example for the rest of the world, and opens herself up to evil people judging her. Obama going on apology tours to Saudi Arabia doesn’t help. Same with Israel. We don’t see ourselves as a moral example for the rest of the world. We see ourselves as occupiers who want to compromise because we took too much. When we stop saying we want to give them a State, we’ll stop being seen as evil. When you stop apologizing for being Americans, you’ll stop being seen as evil as well.

This is how he should have closed:

We are a peace seeking people, but we are also a war seeking people against anyone who dare threaten us. What we really seek is the glory of the God of Israel. If our neighbors leave us alone, we’ll do that by living in our country as a moral example to the rest of the world. If they fight us, we will fight them in the name of God and win, as we always have.

The problem with Nir Barkat and all the rest of Israel’s leadership is they go around trying to convince Neil Cavuto that we are just like Neil Cavuto. What they don’t understand is that Neil Cavuto believes in the Bible, and he is looking for leadership, for a voice coming from Jerusalem. Speak to Neil Cavuto and the rest of the West in the name of the God of Israel, and you’ll get their respect. Otherwise they’ll just get confused, and you’ll be alone with a bunch of Arabs rioting on your border while you’re being investigated by the UN for shooting them.

The Western Financial System will Collapse in September as Palestine is Declared – How to Prepare

This is what we'll see in September on Wall Street.

In this post I make certain specific predictions that I do think will come true, but if they don’t, keep in mind that I am not a prophet. I’m just a guy trying to be intellectually honest with how I see things. Yes, I could be wrong, but hear me out.

If you’ve been following the blog so far, you get the pattern. I take one piece of news and interpret it through a Nationalist Jewish faith-based lens. Today was such a flurry of activity that I can’t possibly analyze it all, but we’ll take one story and I’ll build a prediction around it.

I caught this in Ma’ariv, which is the newspaper I prefer to read since they pubish Moshe Feiglin and I figure they deserve my traffic at least. That and I like their layout. And most of all they’re in deep debt and are about to go bankrupt along with the rest of the Israeli media, so I give them a pity read.

Here’s a link to the story in Hebrew for those who want to read it. The basic gist of it is that the Likud playmakers got together and told Netanyahu to annex Judea and Samaria if the Arabs next door declare a State.

I’m in favor of this not for tactical reasons. Tactically it will fail because no one on the globe would recognize such an annexation, as they don’t even recognize the annexation of the Golan or of Jerusalem. So it won’t accomplish the goal of taking back the momentum in the international arena. The only thing that would do that is speaking in the name of God to the world from the Temple Mount and broadcasting a massive Jewish prayer rally on the Mount live, telling the rest of the West that their founders, the Jews, are back and ready to take the lead. But that won’t happen yet.

The importance of this story is rather the flickering flame it represents, the whisperings of Jewishness that are left in the nation devoid of true Jewish leadership. The voices are there, and while powerless, we should draw strength from them and know that all they need is the right leader to give them power.

What I heard today on the radio, 95.5, Reshet Bet, live broadcast from the Knesset of Netanyahu’s speech and opposition leader Livni’s “rebuttal,” made me laugh and cry simultaneously. We have a clueless leader who has no idea what is about to happen, repeating the same exact nonsense about “true peace,” with a “partner” that everyone’s been talking about since 1991. Rebutted by a clueless opposition leader that represents absolutely nothing different whatsoever, complaining about how Netanyahu has no vision when she doesn’t either. We’re like a bunch of blinded Samsons armed with a huge army feeling around for the pillars of the building. We just need a Philistinian to show us the way.

Livni quoted Herzl about Zionism, who said that Zionism needs the support of the world to succeed. Blind Livni was yelling at blind Netanyahu that he’s losing the support of the world and Zionism is dying. She’s right. It’s dying and it’s gonna go out with a blaze in September to be replaced by something more in tune with reality: A Zionism that doesn’t need “the world,” but rather needs God. We tend to call this Judaism.

Anyway, back in the Knesset full of blind Samsons, both sides were arguing about how to win the world back, because we need the world, because we have to survive as a people. A people of what? Panderers to the world whining about our need to survive? Nowhere in that literally Godforsaken Knesset did anyone mention a word about God. Only how much we need the world. God’s people yelling at each other about how we’re going to win the world back on our side and survive, while the world looks at us and laughs.

I always say that we will not win the world over until we lead them. Right now we’re leading them whether we want to or not. They are paying attention to everything we do because we lead them. And right now we’re leading them, unbeknownst to them, to oblivion, because the West is about to commit a crime no one in the history of the world has ever committed.

The West is about to forcibly give God’s land to someone other than the Jewish people. Something tells me He (The Big He) won’t stand for it, since He promised us that no nation would ever have a political foothold in Israel except for us, ever, and so it has been throughout history since Moses left us and Joshua conquered this place. That’s not about to change any time soon. Just an educated guess from a man who really believes in the God of the Bible.

As we all know, the Palestinians are going to declare a “State” through the UN in 4 months. Call me gutsy, but this, as far as I can tell, banking on the fact that God doesn’t break his promises to the Jewish People ever, is what is going to happen immediately following:

A few days after the UN vote and declaration, the Western financial system will suddenly collapse. First the EU, triggered by Greece, Spain, Ireland, and Portugal, all falling, dragging the rest of Europe with them. The next few days will see the rest of the West refusing to buy up American debt because they have no money, and the bond markets will collapse.

The New York Stock exchange will be in complete disarray, the United States government will have to default, and the DJIA will go down to about 5,000 in a matter of a few weeks.

While all this is happening, the Arabs will be crowding Israel’s border as we thrash around, alone, the Western World suddenly not giving a tweet about what’s going on in Israel because they’re busy catching falling traders from the roofs of buildings on Wall Street.

Some may see this as a “dark” prediction. But what it really is, is the beginning of a new world. A better one I believe.

So we’ll have to figure out what to do over here while the Old World leaves us and the new one takes form, with us as the only surviving “Western” country on the planet with any money whatsoever. We have 4 months to prepare. I’ll start by buying inverse financial ETF’s and put my money where my mouth is.


Nakba Day, A Nation Defined by Jewish Lack of National Identity

Diskin is worried about September. Good for him.

Two news pieces to review today from a faith based perspective. One is former Shabak (Israel Security Agency) head Yuval Diskin whining about how he’s scared for September, and that Israel will be in trouble if there is no movement on the diplomatic front. September, of course, is when the Arabs in Judea and Samaria will ask the UN General Assembly to recognize them as a State. Diskin is very worried about this, and so were the people in the room he was speaking to. Here’s why.

He was speaking to a group of enlightened people who all believe that we live in Israel to be a beacon of Western Civilization to the world, while in the meantime the rest of Western Civilization collapses all around us in a gluttony of debt and confusion. As the West collapses, they are unsure of how they will survive, of who will support Israel, because beyond enlightened Westernism, he and everyone else in that room have nothing.

The other piece of news I just saw today is that the American Postal service is collapsing and will need a taxpayer bailout above and beyond the $700 billion that was given to failing banks. This is just another rotting branch of what is the buckling American financial system.

Back to Diskin, he also said during his harrowing speech that Jewish terrorism is even worse than Palestinian terrorism, in his words. You can find this quote on page 3 of Thursday’s Israel Hayom newspaper in Hebrew. The question is, what Jewish terrorism is he talking about? The time when those two Jewish terrorists broke into that Arab home in Itamar and slit the throats of two parents, two children and a 3 month old baby, wanting to die holy deaths as martyrs?

Somehow I think he’s remembering his stories incorrectly. But seriously, he may be referring to the Jews who have prostrated themselves at the Temple Mount in a terroristic attempt to ignite a holy war. That’s just as bad I guess.

Why is Diskin and everyone in Tel Aviv University terrified about September? Because they know in their gut as we know in our minds that the West is just about bankrupt and losing its power to support itself, let alone support Israel. Israel may be the only financially sound Western Style democracy left on the planet, but that won’t stop a national collapse when what’s left of the Western World converges on Israel and recognizes Arab Palestine. When that happens, and America stops being a superpower, no one will support Israel, our little “Western Proxy,” and we’ll be doomed. That’s why they’re afraid.

The Jewish Perspective – Why we need not Fear September

I was listening to a lecture by Rabbi Uri Sherki the other day. I have a deep mistrust of almost all Rabbis of all shapes and sizes, because I believe that almost all of them are so stuck in the world of religion that they no longer understand that we are a nation. But Rabbi Sherki I trust because he understands history. He speaks like a national leader, not a religious one.

He interpreted Deuteronomy 32:21 in a way that made a lot of objective sense. The verse reads: “They angered me with non-Gods, riled me with nonsense. I will anger with with a non-Nation, rile them with a sickening People.”

For those who don’t know the context, this is Moses’s good bye poem to the Israelites. Rabbi Sherki interpreted it this way: A non-God is not an idol. Hebrew has a specific word for that. It’s “elil”. The word here, however, is lo-El, a phrase that is extremely rare in the Bible. “Lo-El” says Rabbi Sherki, is not an idol, but a philosophy of non-Godism. Not necessarily Atheism, but the philosophy that one’s opinion about God doesn’t really matter, as long as you play nice.

This is how the Jews see themselves as of right now. God is a nice thing to believe in, but the main thing is that you should be pragmatic, practical. It doesn’t matter if Gaza is yours. If it’s pragmatic, leave. If you say God gave it me, then you’re one of those religious zealots, a danger to society. In response to this non-God rhetoric, says God, I’m going to rile you with a non-Nation – not necessarily a nation that doesn’t exist, but a nation that exists insofar as you do not.

In other words, a nation that only exists to get rid of the Jews. A nation that plugs up the holes in our own national identity. The Palestinians don’t care about a State. They care about getting rid of the Jewish one. They are not a Nation. They are an anti-Nation. They only exist insofar as we are confused.

There is no need to fear September. When the non-State of Palestine is declared, the West will continue its freefall. With no one to protect us, we will have to fill the national void that the Palestinians are now occupying inside of us. The only thing to fill it with is ourselves, and of course, the Guider or our national history, God. The only One we need to Support Israel is the God of Israel.

When we all realize that we did not come back to Israel to be a Western enclave, but rather a Jewish one (not religious, but National), the void will be filled. When we realize that how we see God in our history does indeed matter, then we will be filled. When we realize who we are, the Palestinians will simply melt away. In all honesty, they will probably just leave voluntarily.

In order to come back to ourselves, we will need to be alone. We need not fear it, but embrace it. Bring on Palestinian Statehood. It’s just a name. An anti-nation can’t really accomplish anything, especially given the fact that two thirds of its budget is comprised of tax revenues that Israel actually gives it, and the other third is financial aid from the West.

Don’t fear being alone. When it happens, we’ll feel the pressure. When we do, we’ll realize that we’re not here to be the West. We’re here to lead the West. We don’t need the West to support Israel. We don’t need their aid, we don’t need their money, and we don’t need their vote in the UN. We don’t even need to BE in the UN. It’s not that without them, we’re doomed. Its the other way around. They’re collapsing. We’re growing. Without us, the West is doomed. Soon Europe and the US will be asking for loans from the Jewish people.

Spiritual and national growth, especially for the Jewish people who are the most stiff necked of any people on the planet, can only happen in isolation. But worry not. God is with us in our isolation. Better to be alone with Him than to be surrounded with friends like Barack Obama.