Can Ron Paul really win this thing?

It has always been my opinion that Ron Paul will not have any sort of surge. Those who think he will do not understand that the anti Paul vote is much stronger than the anti Romney vote.

Let’s take someone like Santorum for instance. You have your average voter that’s looking for someone on his team, the “Republicans,” but he’s looking for the best player, the one who can go the most yards and beat the “Democrats” and their quarterback Obama. To the average voter, this whole election is just a game. It’s not about issues and who you think will be best for the country. It’s who can win the game for your team so you feel like you’re a winner if you’re on that team. That’s pretty much it.

Surges can only happen for candidates who are pretty much the same as other candidates, because any real difference in issues will force a voter to think that maybe something he votes for will ACTUALLY change the country in a real fundamental way, something he’s not willing to do. So the mob will turn from one candidate to another, so long as they’re pretty much the same.

If you’re waiting for Ron Paul to surge, keep waiting. He won’t. There are only two ways he can win the Republican nomination. The first and most obvious is that everything he has been saying for the last 40 years comes true and the dollar falls and chaos ensues. That would take voters out of their cheerleading stupor and start to think about real issues.

But the other way is a la the story of Gideon in the book of Judges, chapters 6-8. He’s the guy that led the Jews against Midian with 300 people, a group that God purposely whittled out to prove that victory is His and not an army’s.

The Republican nomination process is just so convoluted in a way that Ron Paul could actually win without getting a significant percentage of the popular vote. If Paul supporters stack the delegate deck and we end up with a brokered convention, for example, and after being released if they are pledged to another candidate, they vote for Paul in a second or third round.

This could theoretically happen.

As regards a face-off between Obama and Paul, that would just be electrifying. Seriously, I would crave every debate, every face-off, it would be absolutely fantastic. You’d have two people that really, essentially, stand for absolute opposite things. Obama for state power, Paul for individual freedom, and of course in the end Paul would win easily, because the difference would be so stark it would wake up droves.

Then why not wake up now? Because with the possibility of having just a cheerleading game, the team players won’t go for something real. But when it’s right in front of them, then the whole game changes into one that’s for keeps.

A short lesson on the Gold Standard from the Bible

I’m planning a class on this for Jews for Ron Paul, but here are some initial thoughts on the subject.

Genesis 2:12 always took me for a loop, until I was introduced to Austrian economic theory and the gold standard. After God creates man in the second creation story (yes, there are two), the Bible goes off on a tangent about where the Garden of Eden is located. It maps the rivers that feed the garden, and then talks about the lands the rivers pass, and in case we cared at all, it says that the gold in one of these lands that the river that happens to flow into Eden flows past, is good.

Well OK, the gold in some land that has nothing to do with the man on the moon is good. So what?

Come on! It’s the Garden of Eden for the love of God! There’s no work, no toil, but you have to tell me about some gold and that it’s of good quality before God even puts Adam in the Garden of Eden?

The message, which I finally understand: There is no such thing as a fiat paradise. Back it up with gold.

How can a settler who usurps Palestinian land be a Ron Paul supporter?


This was a question that came up repeatedly in several comments to the last post. It is a question that warrants a good and thorough answer. Many of the comments were so nasty I didn’t publish them. Some were just mildly hostile and I published those, but there was one comment in particular that caught my eye for asking the question honestly and respectfully. Here is the comment by a woman named Valerie:

I thank you for your support of Dr. Paul; however I do not understand your freedom message when the Palestinians are not afforded those same freedoms. Maybe I am misunderstanding your blogs? Maybe I am misunderstanding the Palestinian cause? Could you please elaborate more on your feelings toward the Palestinians. I believe in your message of freedom and support your message of freedom. I am not coming down on you, but I do believe freedom is for every man, woman and child no matter your ancestry. We are all brothers and sisters in this world as we have only one Father and that is God.

My answer, point by point:


You are correct when you say that everyone has freedom and should not be punished for using it, including my Arab cousins. I respect them as human beings created in God’s image just as I respect any other human being. Let me just be clear on that point first.

Now, I must start out this answer with a two axioms, those are, assumptions I rest my argument on that I assume to be true. If you don’t accept either one of these assumptions, then you obviously will not accept my conclusion. This is fine, since I don’t rely on the world’s agreement to justify my presence in Samaria, or what you call “the West Bank”. Consider this a window into my thoughts rather than an attempt to convince you that I’m right.

So here are my two assumptions:

1) The Bible, what you call the “Old Testament,” and only the “Old Testament,” is the Word of God. (“Old Testament” is actually an offensive term to me but I use it here so we both know what I’m referring to.)

2) The Jews of today are the legal descendants of the Israelites of the Bible, and are therefore the recipients of the legal covenant God made with Abraham in the Covenant Between the Parts. (See Genesis 15) In that covenant, God gave the Land of Israel to Abraham’s descendants for all eternity.

Now, with that in mind, we can continue.

Ishmael, father of the Arab nation, also Abraham’s son, was weeded out of this covenant explicitly by God. See Genesis 17:15-21. He received his own land and it is not the Land of Israel. Arabia is not mine, and I will never claim it as mine.

As a lover of freedom Valerie, I’m sure you also believe in private property rights. Private property is either property you purchased, or property that you inherited. In either case, you have the right to allow who you want in your property, and to exclude who you want as well. Israel, as defined Biblically, which includes where I currently live, is the private property of the Jewish People, as we inherited it from Abraham, who inherited it from its Creator and Owner, God. (Which I spell with an O for all the Jews reading this thinking I’m a plant.)

Before we get carried away thinking I want to expel or kill any and all Arabs living in my private property, let me say that I categorically do NOT. I have no problem with Arabs living here in my land and doing whatever they want. That is, provided that they do not hurt me, or, and this is key, provided that they do not claim that my land is actually theirs.

Let me put this into perspective for a second. Let’s say that a group of illegal Mexican immigrants claimed that Texas was actually theirs and they wanted to take it away from America. Actually, they’d have a much clearer claim to Texas than Arabs have to Israel, because your nation actually DID take Texas from the Mexicans, and fairly recently. You have no Biblical basis to have done that, though still, notice I didn’t use the word “steal”. You “conquered” Texas in an act of war and annexed it, which is legitimate. It’s what nations do when they have power.

Going back to the illegal Mexican immigrants who want Texas back, remember  they are illegal immigrants with no voting rights and no citizenship. Now they start gathering in a group with a supposed national identity. They don’t want to go back to Mexico because well, life sucks there with all the drug wars and no welfare, so instead they name themselves “Texastinians” and they want to establish an independent “Texastine”. So they start killing American Texans and demand the Federal government sit down to peace talks with them on the condition that you agree to give them all of Texastine before any negotiations even start.

Your response would probably be “Get them the hell out of my country and #$%# peace talks, Texas is mine!” And I certainly wouldn’t blame you.

So, my feelings towards the “Palestinians” are the same as your feelings towards the “Texastinian” Mexicans. There are no Texastinians, just Mexicans, just as there are no Palestinians, just Arabs.

You wish the people who call themselves Texastinians would just leave you alone, you don’t believe “Texastine” is a real sovereign nation anyway, and you’d love to just live in peace but if they keep acting like Texas is actually theirs, you want them gone and out. You’d probably kill the worst of them, meaning the leaders of the attacks against American Texans, you’d probably pay the rest of them who would accept the money to leave back to Mexico, and those that wanted to live in peace and be left alone, you’d just let them stay.

The “Palestinian” cause, Valerie, is simply the cause to get Jews out of their God-given land. They have no positive national aspirations. They never have, nor will they ever, actually produce anything. 80% of their GDP is foreign aid. They can’t even have positive national aspirations, because their nation is the larger Arab nation that spans hundreds of times bigger than the Jewish one. They have plenty of places to go if they want to. They can even stay here where I live. But NOT if they claim that my land is theirs.

The only issue we have left to touch on is the issue of citizenship and the definition of nationhood. Theoretically speaking, if confronted with the issue of “Texastinians,” the Federal government could simply give all of those illegal Mexican immigrants American citizenship to try and stop the fighting. This would probably work and would end the whole affair. You could do this because “Americanness” or the reality of being part of the American nation is simply incidental. You call yourselves the melting pot, which is great. Anyone can become a citizen and that’s it. Why can’t that be done in Israel?

Because, Valerie, God did not give Israel to “Israeli citizens.” He gave Israel to the Jews. And unlike “Americanness” which is only incidental, “Jewishness” is essential. The Israeli government can’t simply grant “Jewishness” and call the conflict over. Jews are not a religion. We are, and always have been, a distinct nation.

Just as there are no “Palestinians,” there really are no “Israelis” either. “Israeli” is just a made up term by Jews trying to shed their Jewishness in favor of a new modern national identity under a philosophy called “Zionism” that they even try to incorporate Arabs into by calling them “Israeli Arabs”. That term is absolutely ludicrous. It is a complete contradiction.

The reality is this: There are Jews in the land of Israel, and there are Arabs in the land of Israel. The Jews are the owners of the land, and the Arabs just happened to be here when the owners returned in 1948. What the Jews must do to end the conflict is make it clear that Israel is ours, both to them and the entire world. Those Arabs who are here and agree, are welcome to stay and be treated with the utmost respect and courtesy. They of course should not pay any taxes to the Jewish government, nor should they get any benefits at all. If they stay, they should be completely independent, without voting rights just as non-Americans in your country don’t have voting rights.

Those Arabs who are here and disagree that the land belongs to the Jewish People, however, must be paid to get out. Those who are here and disagree to the point of fighting me over it with weapons, they must be destroyed, just as you would kill anyone who barges into your private property with a gun.

Israel is the private property of the Jewish Nation. Without private property, there is no freedom.

You say:

I do believe freedom is for every man, woman and child no matter your ancestry. We are all brothers and sisters in this world as we have only one Father and that is God.

You are right. Freedom is for everyone just like you said Valerie, regardless of ancestry. And we are all brothers and sisters and have one Father and that is God. That one Father gave me the Land of Israel as my nation’s private property. And if you believe in freedom, you can’t do whatever you want on someone else’s private property.

Therefore, I am a freedom-lover who lives where I live. Because it’s my land given to me by God Himself, and not anyone else’s.

From Israel: Vote Ron Paul and Let My People Go!

Lately I’ve been having trouble sleeping. I sit here in my living room in Karnei Shomron, Israel, on the 8th night of Chanukah, wondering what other miracles lay in store on January 3rd and in the months ahead. The name Ron Paul is constantly at my fingertips. I’ve typed it in so many times the past month it’s insane. I’m experiencing an excitement I’ve rarely ever felt, and I don’t even live in America anymore. During the last Republican debate I woke myself up at 3am Israel time to watch an 8pm EST live stream on YouTube, with no fatigue whatsoever. I’m on overdrive, and I can’t calm myself.

I’ve only recently figured out what this excitement actually is.

I first got interested in the whole freedom movement when I heard that Ron Paul wanted to end all foreign aid, including to my country, Israel. This seemed like a spectacular idea to me. I hate the idea of taking American tax payer money I don’t need. The only reason we take it, by the way, is not because we need it. It’s that we don’t want to feel alone, and Jews always feel a deep existential isolation and loneliness. “As I see them from the mountain tops, gaze on them from the heights, this is a people that dwells alone, not counted among the Nations,” says Balaam of the People of Israel in Numbers 23:9. We still feel that loneliness. So we take the money. It’s shameful, it’s theft, it’s destructive, it’s morally wrong, and it makes people hate us for tying them into a conflict they have no business trying to solve. I wanted it to end and didn’t trust any Israeli leader to give it up on his own, so I looked up more about Ron Paul.

What I found was fascinating. On the forums, I learned of people who, back in ’08, literally gave their lives short of death to this man. Some poured money into his campaign they could not afford to give, and some even lost their marriages because of their single-minded insane dedication. This shocked me. I couldn’t yet understand it, but after a few days of listening to him, it began to click.

What is it about Ron Paul that inspires such extremes? Such maddening support on the one hand, and such fear and loathing on the other? I can give the answer in one word: Soul.

The essential soul of a human being is by definition free. The idea that men are free as determined by God is a concept that is foreign to most men. This is because most men want to control others, to take away their freedom. This is usually referred to as the drive for power. The drive for power is antithetical to freedom because power means the ability to control others. There is only one legitimate thing that power can and should be used for, whether it be military, legislative, or executive power. That is, to legalize freedom.

Ron Paul doesn’t want to be President to “give” me freedom. He doesn’t own my freedom and he didn’t give it to me. The only reason Ron Paul wants to be President is to stop punishing people for using their freedom that is rightfully theirs. He wants no power. This is clear to anyone who listens to him speak.

There are two kinds of human beings. Those who want power, and those who want freedom. You can tell which one’s which very easily. Those who want freedom are straight-edged. They are consistent, principled, and you can feel their human soul when they speak to you. There’s a continuum out there of human souls somewhere in spiritual cyberspace, and when you come into contact with one of these souls, you know immediately, because souls are by definition free. You sense sincerity, realness, consistency, a free human being. If you’re a man who seeks freedom and you come into contact with a real human soul, you become instantly addicted and you swallow up anything you can get your hands on. You want to unite immediately, no matter what you disagree on. There are people in the freedom movement that don’t exactly like Israel, especially me being a “settler” and I don’t care. If they want freedom, I sense it and my human drive for individualism suddenly turns into an intense desire to unite into a collective – but a collective of free individuals. It’s a beautiful dialectic, and it doesn’t matter what we agree or disagree on, as long as we agree on freedom.

You get hooked on Ron Paul and you desperately seek more and more, any video you can find from the past, any speeches you missed, anything he said that you haven’t heard yet, even though you’ve heard it a thousand times already in different words. You can’t help yourself. The voracious hunger to be able to use your God-given freedom takes you over entirely. It’s like you suddenly realize you’re human and the Divine Image with which God created you comes alive and catches fire.

But something else happens to you. Once you get hooked on Ron Paul, you can no longer bear to listen to a man who wants power, and you become instantly disgusted when they begin to speak. Before, they were just boring. Now they’re revolting. Listening to Romney or Gingrich or Bush or Obama makes you sick and you don’t know how Ron Paul gets through those debates without getting nauseous. You see a political veneer in these politicians that’s so transparent it’s like a ghost flapping its ethereal tongue at you. You can’t bear it.

What’s so maddening about hearing Romney or Gingrich talk is that there’s someone standing there saying things, but there’s no soul in it. These are not free men. These are power men. Not that Romney or Gingrich don’t have souls. They do. They are men just like you and I. But they have practically forfeited their souls to try and attain power, to control others with spin and talking points and contradictory statements like “I want to cut the budget and expand the military!” and they’ll say it with a polished tone and a straight face, just like a soulless recording. Their humanity is so buried under the mountain of lies they have told themselves, that neither they themselves nor you can even sense their souls in the human continuum. The scene of a human body speaking but no soul communicating can drive a free man mad.

The reason that Ron Paul never goes down in the polls is that he’s not “convincing” people in the everyday sense that he’s right on whatever issue. He’s activating human souls, lighting spiritual fires one by one speaking about freedom. Once a soul gets activated, and the man realizes that he IS free no matter what people do to him or tell him, there is no turning back. The other candidates are trying to turn heads with snappy one-liners that sound cool. Slaves follow these one-liners like mobs, and follow each other from candidate to candidate. Slowly but surely, Ron Paul activates a few of the individual souls in the mob as they bob from snappy comeback to snappy comeback and he goes up in the polls.

Yet, we cannot expect every man woman and child to understand or get excited about the message of liberty. In fact, most just can’t handle it. Being truly free is as terrifying as it is electrifying. The Bible tells us this very clearly in the story of the Exodus from Egypt. When Moses finally accepts the role of deliverer from God, he was assigned to say the following to my great-grandparents the Israelites:

“Therefore say to the Israelites: I am God. I will free you from the labors of the Egyptians and deliver you from their bondage. I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with amazing signs. And I will take you to be My people and I will be your God, and you will know that I am the Lord who freed you from the labors of the Egyptians.” (Ex. 6:6-7)

And what was my grandparents’ response?

“And Moses told this to the people, but they didn’t listen due to lack of spirit and cruel bondage.” (6:9)

Not everyone can handle the message of freedom. It’s too frightening for some people, and some are just too enslaved. Those are the people that despise Ron Paul, the same types who rebelled against Moses in the desert and attempted to go back to Egypt. Freedom is too much for them and they can’t handle the Divine gift. They want and need someone to control them. Their souls have been too battered by slavery, taxation, and wars.

But nonetheless, God forced my stiff-necked great grandparents to leave Egypt, and as a result I’m here today, preaching freedom once again, fighting not only for America’s freedom, but for my own from America’s influence in my own region.

Vote Ron Paul and let my people go! Stop meddling here and stop trying to buy influence by giving me money. Stop trying to be the all powerful Peace Maker and let us work out the problems here on our own! If we think Iran is a threat, we can handle it and we’ll take the consequences. It’s not America’s problem and you can’t afford another war.

Now I understand why people will give everything to this man. Whenever he’s asked the question, “Would you legalize heroin?” Ron Paul answers, “I want to legalize freedom!” Little do these people understand that freedom is a thousand times more addictive than heroin.

American Jews! Wake up! Set your brothers in Israel free! We were the first nation ever to be set free by God, and we brought the concept of liberty to the world when we left Egypt over 3000 years ago. It’s about time we set the example we were chosen to set.

The writer, Rafi Farber, is a member of Jews for Ron Paul and manages the website World of Judaica. Email him at

The only way Ron Paul can win

As crazy as that commercial was, it's still the status quo

There’s only one way Ron Paul can win this election and become the next President of the United States. And no, he doesn’t even need to win the Republican nomination. Though it certainly would be nice if he did.

No – the only way Ron Paul can win, regardless of whether or not he becomes the GOP nominee, is if the global economy collapses before the elections. Meaning, a full blown economic disaster the likes of which has never been seen before on this planet. If it doesn’t happen in time, Herman Cain or Mitt Romney or Barack Obama will be elected, spend more money, and expand the bubble that will eventually burst and collapse anyway. So let’s all pray it happens sooner rather than later.

I’ll explain exactly what the bubble is in numbers in a moment. First, let me answer the question, “Why does the bubble have to burst first? Can’t people just wake up and vote for Ron Paul?”

The answer is that Ron Paul is and always will be the “other” in any election. Rick Perry will go up and down because people like him one day, and then get bored of him the next day. The same can be said of Herman Cain. One day people think he’s cool, the next day he puts out an insane commercial of his campaign manager smoking a cigarette and blowing it into the camera. If Cain falls because of this, then no, Ron Paul will not suddenly rise. The votes may go to Gingrich instead, to Romney, or maybe even back to Perry, but not to Paul.

Everyone else running for president is basically the status quo. Whoever wins will be the one who people happen to think is the coolest one or the neatest one or the most intriguing or whatever. It’ll be a game of luck between all of them to see who can slip up the other, who can make the least gaffes, who can spit out the most catch phrases etc. The one who wins will be the one lucky enough to look and sound the smoothest, and that’s all.

The people voting are already settled on the status quo. They just need to agree about which status quo candidate has best hair, and then that status quo candidate will win. And then one of the status quo candidates, either Barack Obama or whatever Republican, will win.

The vast majority of voters in this primary know full well that Ron Paul is NOT the status quo. That’s why they will NEVER vote for him. He wants to take the country in a complete 180, to make actual real cuts, and then really actually truthfully shrink the government, end all wars overseas, and balance the damn budget. Everybody knows that if he is elected, he will ACTUALLY do it, which is what everyone is afraid of. It’s the unknown.

So the only way they’ll ACTUALLY vote for him, is if they realize that the status quo is already dead, the show is over, and the people are forced to actually change the direction of the country and the world.

Right now Americans are in pain, but they’re not panicking. Yet. That’s why they still want the status quo. But I read two days ago on Bloomberg the following, and here’s the bubble in actual concrete numbers:

World GDP is approximately $65 trillion annually. That means, every year, the planet produces $65 trillion worth of goods and services. The worldwide derivatives market, which is the amount of money placed in bets through various financial instruments against what they think the market will do in a given period of time, is estimated to be valued at – get this –

$1.5 QUADRILLION. That’s one-and-a-half THOUSAND TRILLION dollars. I have never in my life heard of or read about that amount of money. It is inconceivable. This number is literally, like the Tetragrammaton, unfathomable. What it means is that theoretical money, such as the value of a country’s debt, or a fund backed by a mortgage (which is somebody’s debt) or a fund that will only have value if the stock market goes up to a certain point or down to a certain point, this THEORETICAL MONEY that banks and institutions and corporations are all hiding under their corporate mattresses, is about 23 times the value of the ENTIRE PLANET.

What that really means is this: This money doesn’t actually exist. It’s fiction. And the entire planet is backed up with this paper garbage that people only pretend is money, put it on their balance sheets, and everything looks swell.

But all it will ever take for a QUADRILLION dollar crash is for something to slip. Say…like Greece.

If Greece falls, then all the fake THEORETICAL money that they stuffed in banks in the form of debt that they promised to pay back with money they don’t have, will crumble. Then the banks that hold that debt will have to admit that it isn’t worth anything, and they crumble. Then the people who invested in those banks to give them money and buy their own debt, like Italy…their investments crumble, and it starts a domino effect of people and countries and corporations having to admit that the theoretical money they stashed away doesn’t really exist.

And the bubble bursts. It’s the biggest bubble in the history of the planet. What happened in ’08 was only the bubble getting bigger and growing on the backs of sovereigns instead of banks. It just shifted one tier higher, that’s all.

I don’t know what will happen when this thing explodes, but it will be worse than anything the world has ever known economically. And when it does, nobody will want the status quo ever again. They’ll want Ron Paul, whether he’s the republican nominee or not.

There’s simply no other way he can win. And if it doesn’t happen in time, then we’ll have clueless bum in the White House who will have absolutely no idea how to handle it when it does. So let’s hope it collapses in time for the people to elect the right man.

Listen to this starting from 12:15.


Why Jews should Support Ron Paul

Ron Paul wants to set Israel free of Washington meddling, just like he wants to set America free, too.

For those Paulites finding this blog through a Google alert, this is my first attempt to reach out to all you news-obsessed Paul junkies and say that, yes, I am one of you. I’m probably the only one, however, who lives in what you guys would call the “West Bank”. Hence, a “Settler” of “Samaria,” which is the Jewish term for the upper piece of this land generally thought of as Occupied Palestine. I was born an American Citizen, continue to hold that citizenship, and yes, I am voting by absentee in the Florida primary for Ron Paul.

There are so many reasons why Ron Paul is the absolute best candidate for Israel of any presidential candidate out there. Paul has a serious problem though in presenting his Israel case to the Jews. I will write future posts on how he can win the rest of my stiff-necked people over to his cause, but for now, I will try to explain why Israel needs Ron Paul.

The worst thing Israel can possibly do for itself is to continue to take foreign aid from America. Aside from any other of Paul’s positions, his ending foreign aid would be the best thing for Israel since…I don’t know…sliced pita. There are three reasons for this. The first, and least important, is economic. The second, more important reason is psychological, which perpetuates the middle east conflict. The third, and most important, is moral. Let us deal with the least important first.

Economic: Israel’s annual GDP is over $200 billion. We have a population of about 7 million people. To compare this with the largest Arab country on the planet, Egypt, with a population of 83 million, their GDP, with a population 12x the size of the Jewish State, is less than ours at about $190 billion. They are in recession. We are in a boom. It would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic, but Israel is the richest country by far in the region per capita.

The amount of money we get from America is a paltry $3 billion in loan guarantees, 70% of which is not even real money. It’s monopoly money called USAID dollars that can only be spent in America to buy spare F16 parts. The reason America gives us over $2 billion in monopoly money that we can only spend in the US every year is that they want to keep those jobs at Lockheed Martin so Obama can say “look at these unemployment numbers!” (Which stink anyway and are double our own.)

As a result, we can’t develop our own airplanes which we certainly could do if left alone, and they’d be better than anything Lockheed could produce. Then we could export them to America, or better yet, give the Americans some monopoly shekels they could only spend in Israel and secure some more jobs here! (No, I wouldn’t advocate that, but you see my point.)

The point is, accepting American aid which totals a measly 1% of our GDP damages our fighter plane industry. But that is the least of our problems.

More importantly, the psychological issue. Jews are still mentally in exile mode even though we have our own country again. We think we’re dependent on everyone and fear pure independence. 2000 years wondering from slaughter to massacre will do that to a nation. Almost everyone here believes American aid is absolutely essential and it makes us feel weak and pathetic even though we are by far the strongest country in town here in the Middle East.

A Jew who thinks he is weak and pathetic is willing to cower, and a Jew willing to cower gets his brothers and sisters killed. Every time a rocket falls on Sderot or Beer Sheba, we feel we have to cry to America instead of take care of the problem. Every time there is a terrorist attack, we have to call up the White House to see what we’re allowed to do about it.

If you are an American and you’re reading this, imagine that after September 11 you had to ask Israel what you could do about it. It is emasculating and sad, but this is what we do because we feel we need free American airplane parts. We don’t, but we want to feel like we have a father, and we certainly don’t want to be on our own. We take American money not for any real economic need. We take it because we want a cultural father. Read more about this here.

Imagine, for a second, that there were no foreign aid in this region. Foreign aid makes up 80% of the Palestinian Authority’s GDP. 80%. It’s hard to even call that GDP. It’s not product. It’s just stolen American taxpayer money. Palestinians don’t produce anything. It’s hard to produce anything when your entire national aspirations are negative, i.e., get the Jews out.

Without foreign aid, the Palestinans have nothing. What would happen then? They’d just leave, especially if we paid them to do so. We have enough money to pay every Palestinian family $100,000 just to get up and out and move to Dubai who are desperate for people to build their oil-driven skyscrapers. Talk about solving the conflict. All we need is the will to do it. And to get the will, we need independence. And to get independence, we need liberty. To get liberty, we need to stop taking free money from anyone.

If we need weapons, we should buy them or build them. No charity.

Imagine being able to accept or reject a deal based on our own calculations instead of Washington’s. Imagine that the next time Hamas bombs our cities, we can go in and actually finish the job and destroy them, and Ron Paul will get the call on his red phone in the oval office and say to Netanyahu, “Why are you calling me? Do what you want!”

The most important reason to stop taking American aid is that it is simply immoral to do so. America is in so much debt that debt has lost all meaning there. Israel is the only Western country on the planet left that has a balanced budget and isn’t bolted down to a currency union made up of debt drunk PIIGS.

We are the last bastion of fiscal responsibility left on the planet and we’re taking money from American taxpayers?

This is wrong, it’s immoral, and it must stop. Whether we like it or not, the world always looks to us, the Jewish people, for moral guidance. If we don’t provide it, we are hated. It’s as simple as that.

If we are hated, the world loses spiritual direction. When that happens, things get dark and gloomy.

Ron Paul is the only candidate running truly driven by real moral principles. His biggest moral principle is that of liberty given by God and not Government. The concept of God-given liberty is something that the Jewish People brought to the world when we had our little thing called the Exodus from Egypt when God came down, fought the Egyptian government Himself, and told Pharaoh that governments cannot enslave nations. Without the Jewish Exodus, the founding fathers of the great nation of America would have had absolutely nothing to work with.

We brought liberty to the world. Ron Paul understands that well. That’s why he wants us, the Jews, the Israelis, to be free. So lets stop taking their money.

Ron Paul stands for the Jewish value of Liberty. And so should we.